Portfolio Internazionale

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E.R.I.C.A. has developed different activities on an international frame, on both research and planning.

Among these we recall:

“Oasis of El Ouidane” project which aims at promoting the sustainable development (from a social, economic and environmental point of view) of the Degache oasis, in the governatorat of Tozeur through the promotion, enhancement and protection of the environment. The project therefore proposes to initiate a cooperation action in the democratic management of waste, bearing in mind the reorganization process currently in progress in Tunisia (from 2012); https://www.envi.info/la-prima-oasi-governatorato-tozeur/

“SWaM Akkar. Supporting Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Jurd al-Kaytee, Akkar” – Lebanon – project. The overall objective of 2-years project is to contribute to the development and improvement of comprehensive waste management schemes at the municipal level. In particular the project aims at improving and supporting integrated sustainable solid waste management within the Union of Municipalities of Jurd el-Kaytee in Akkar district, Nahr al-Bared river basin; https://www.coopi.org/it/libano-un-piano-generale-per-la-gestione-dei-rifiuti-solidi.html?ln=

Project INTESE PLUS  (Innovation, Territoire, Services PLUS) contributes to the specific objective of priority axis 1.1 of the program Interreg ALCOTRA Italy-France (Research and Innovation), action 2 (Testing of services and projects innovative premises designed to meet the needs of cross-border communities). The project will provide the optimization of innovative services in terms of waste management and urban hygiene for alpine mountainous areas with low population density. E.R.I.C.A. is partner with Consorzio Servizi Ecologia e Ambiente, Consorzio Albese Braidese Servizi Rifiuti, Communauté de Communes du Guillestrois et du Queyras and Smitomga.

Project INTESE (Innovation, Territoire, Services) for ERICA soc. coop.. Interreg project V-A France-Italy (ALCOTRA 2014 -2020) of which E.R.I.C.A. is a partner with Consorzio Servizi Ecologia e Ambiente, Consorzio Albese Braidese Servizi Rifiuti, Communauté de Communes Pays des Ecrins, Communauté de Communes du Guillestrois et du Queyras and Smitomga, answers to the challenge of defining innovative services for urban waste management in dispersed areas to build a new model that will improve the quality of services, thereby increasing economic and environmental awareness. http://www.inteseinterreg.eu/

Strengthening municipal development and democracy in Maghreb on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur inter. Zusammenarbeit (GiZ) (2015);

The participation in the action “Turkey Composts!” implemented with ACR+ Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling with the organization of best practice visits in Italy (2016);

Field Workshop for the kick-off of Pilot Organic Waste Compost Units project in 6 Libyan driving municipalities in the frame of the initiative “CoR ARLEM Nicosia Initiative to the support of Libyan Local Authorities”;

Project of the technical Consultancy for the Establishment of an operational Solid Waste Management strategy and implementation Plan for UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) Refugee Camp in Gaza Strip issued by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency (Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo AICS) Jerusalem Office (2018);